
Customer Testimonials

Master crafted live edge furniture. These guys know their stuff!
Joseph Maure

No reviews seemed odd to me but after Kevin (the owner) offered references, I decided to order a custom coffee table. Because he’s busy, sometimes it took a few days for him to reply but it was enjoyable all the way through; discussing the wood and finish, picking out the slab in real time, and picking my custom legs and metal finish. He kept me updated on the arrival time and his employees were respectful and friendly when dropping off the table. The table is an exquisite piece of art and something I’ll treasure for a long time.
Julia Grathwol

We are always looking for new retailers, new ideas and new projects!

Please drop us an email with your questions or concepts for us to quote.

We are here to work for you.

Kevin Bailey
+1 (828) 595 4499